
Species on the move
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The northwards migration of fish species due to climate change is four times as fast as the United Nations climate panel has estimated. The omnivorous cod is a climate champion and outcompetes arctic species.

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Both crustaceans and molluscs are shellfish. Most crustaceans have five pairs of legs, and the front pair is transformed into claws.

The national pilotage service
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Nationwide the Norwegian Coastal Administration has just under 290 active pilots, stationed at 18 pilot stations.

Fairways - the sea's road network
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The entire Norwegian coast is covered by a standard reference system of various fairway categories.

The port structure in Norway
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The port structure in Norway consists of five designated ports and 32 trunk network ports. The remainder are termed local harbours, fisheries harbours, recreational harbours and similar.

Marine biology
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Marine biology is the study of sea life, the species found there, and how they have evolved.

Fisheries Biology
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Fisheries biology is intended to provide knowledge to ensure that fish stocks are managed in a responsible manner.

Monitoring and research initiated
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It is only in very recent years that attention has been focused on the consequences of ocean acidification. Research in this field is therefore quite new.

Species at risk from ocean acidification
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As seawater becomes more acidic, less calcium is biologically available. This can cause problems for animals that need calcium in the form of carbonate to build shells or skeletons.

Ship traffic in the Arctic – climate change and new challenges
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Climate change has led to reduced ice cover in the Arctic. This allows for increased shipping traffic, and in the longer term perhaps also trans-polar traffic through the international waters of the Arctic Ocean. There are special risks associated with this type of shipping.