Front page Articles


The reporting of accidents at sea

There are requirements toward the reporting of accidents. The subject also describes what must be reported, when it must be reported and to whom it should be reported. 

Regulations for sea transport

The Ship Safety and Security Act is central to safeguarding life, health, the environment and property during shipping. 

The rescue service in Norway

The public rescue service is organized as a cooperative between a number of government agencies, private and voluntary organizations. 

Demarcation Agreement with Russia

Previously, Norway and Russia had overlapping claims on the shelf and zone in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean.

The obligations of coastal states

Norway has an important tradition for scrupulous implementation and compliance with the obligations of coastal states on its continental shelf and own zones as well as flag state obligations for Norwegian vessels.

Rights and responsibilities in the Arctic

While Antarctica is a land area and governed by a designated treaty, the Arctic Ocean is an ocean surrounded by national states. Although parts of the Arctic Ocean are covered by ice, the Law of the Sea applies in full in this area as in the other oceans of the earth. 

The Loophole and the Banana Hole

Arises because of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and fisheries protection zone / fishery zone can not go further out to sea than 200 nautical mile.

Maritime law provides predictability in the northern areas

A basic requirement for predictability and stability is that international law and the rules of international law are respected by all states. 

Securing ports

Port Security means that ports and port facilities must implement a minimum of security measures to enhance security for ships in international traffic and port facilities serving such ships.

Draw a map – gain an overview!

At BarentsWatch the oil industry, fishermen, environmentalists and other interested parties can find an overview of variations in fish stocks. This applies both between seasons and years.

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