
Norway's maritime borders
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Norway's maritime borders are calculated in accordance with UNCLOS, which is an international agreement that regulates all aspects of the use of the sea and marine resources.

Emergency preparedness against acute pollution
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In Norway, the Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for official preparedness against acute pollution and has nationwide administrative authority for acute pollution. All organizations that have a potential for pollution must have contingency plans. Municipalities have responsibility for preparedness that is not covered by private companies.

Safer traffic in polar regions
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The Weather services will in the near future establish a service for the detection, tracking and forecasting of polar lows.

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The Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Institute of Marine Research monitors and researches water levels, currents, sea ice, ocean temperature and salinity in ocean areas important to Norway.

Much left to find
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The Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) can still surprise. And 20 per cent of its oil and gas resources remain to be discovered, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

Learning more about the north
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A total of 30 000 kilometres of seismic data are to be acquired by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) in far northern waters during the summer of 2012.

World class energy production
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A mere 50 years ago there was no one who believed that there was oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. Today, Norway is the world's fifth largest exporter of energy.

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The production of Norwegian oil and gas takes place around the clock, throughout the year, involving several thousand people. Safety on the Norwegian continental shelf is strictly regulated and all participants are required to operate in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The coast is yours
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Public rights is a well established principle of access to and use of nature in Norway. This also applies to the sea.

Escapes of farmed fish
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Escapes from fish farms along the coast are a major challenge for the aquaculture industry, management and the environment.