Front page Articles The Fishhealth service updated

The Fishhealth service updated

A better overview of the areas and locations that are of interest to you. In addition, users can see all types of ships visiting facilities.

BarentsWatch  has a major upgrade including ship tracks of all ships visiting fish farm sites and much other.

We have made a technical upgrade of the service resulting in a different outlook. Some menus are moved due to this. I hope you will not be too much inconvenienced. A hint is to look for the map layers in, well, “Map layers” in the menu at top left side.

There is a lot of news, please see a better description below. Here are the most important changes. If you are a developer, please see text at bottom:

  • See all ship tracks back to week 35/2020 at map layer with different colors for wellboats / others, filters for wellboats, fishing boats and others
  • Real time positions as separate map layer
  • Locality visit list for all ships
  • Favourite storage
  • Filter usage gives list of sites and automatic zoom in map
  • Primary and secondary fairways map layer
  • Improved base layer map now covers all world
  • Nights mode
  • Browser remembers your preferences, and its possible to store prefences
  • Cleaner fish data are removed from the 19th of April 2018

I hope you will use the Feeback button in the lower right hand side of map: We want to improve, please help us!

If you are a developer and / or want to stay up to date on new datasets and APIs, you should sign up for our notification of changes in the API ( - "For developers"), and check our blog to see updates.

BarentsWatch does user-driven, agile development. In order for our services to be useful and user friendly, we would like feedback from you as a user. It can be in the form of complaints or compliments, questions, ideas, and other issues of relevance. We greatly appreciate your help.