Front page Articles Research funding in the High North

Research funding in the High North

Taking a look at what research that funding can be applied for in the area covered by BarentsWatch.

Various institutions offer support for marine and coastal research in the High North and Arctic. The best known of these are the Research Council of Norway and the EU. An overview is provided below of the latest programmes and calls for proposal. Applications for funding can be submitted from anyone, whether independent researchers, research environments, institutes, companies, universities and colleges. The Government has stated that it wishes to focus more on areas such as green marine technology and research cooperation with Russia. Particular priority is given to projects involved with the High North.

Research policy 

The Research Council of Norway is intending to set up a subsidy scheme in line with Norway’s research policy. The policy was approved in the Norwegian Parliament. The government has set itself objectives in terms of what it wants to achieve in the area of research in Norway, including through the Soria-Moria Declaration (2005).

The Research Council of Norway has a series of programmes for different areas. There are calls for proposal for specific projects under each programme for which subsidies can be applied for. The MAROFF programme (Maritime activities and offshore operations) is one example of the Government’s contribution in the field of green maritime technology.

Green maritime effort 

MAROFF is split into three innovation areas: environment, advanced logistics and sophisticated green maritime operations. The programme, which was revised in spring 2012, was devised based on input from the Maritim 21 project, questionnaires and pressure from research institutes. Shipping companies, the shipbuilding industry and equipment suppliers are targeted in particular. Maritime transport and operations in the High North are one of the new thematic priorities in the revised programme.    The total fund for the programme is NOK 150 million. The Research Council of Norway usually grants subsidies to 15 projects, with each receiving roughly NOK 10 million.

One billion a week 

At an international level, the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is the largest research cooperation programme in the world. Norway participates in it on an equal footing with the other EU countries. FP7 allocates NOK 1 billion every week to research and technology development. If you need help to apply for funds, the Research Council of Norway has special schemes for this. They provide support with working on applications and on network building for EU projects. 

An overview is provided below of what research that funding can be applied for. The calls for proposal are arranged according to the application deadlines for each institution. The overview does not include research of a more general nature and support for making arrangements, preliminary projects, grants or similar.

Research Council of Norway

Programme: Maritime activities and offshore operations (MAROFF)

Funding: NOK 132.5 million

Programme link:  MAROFF (link outdated)

Programme: Russia and the High North/Arctic (NORRUSS)

Call for proposal: Research cooperation with Russia

Funding: NOK 12 million

Programme link: NORRUSS (link outdated)

Programme: The Oceans and the Coastal Areas (HAVKYST)

Funding: NOK 26 million

Programme link:  HAVKYST(link outdated)

Programme: Petromaks (PETROMAKS)

Call for proposal: NOK 60 million for petroleum research in the economy

Funding: NOK 60 million

Programme link: Petromaks (link outdated)

Search for calls for proposal:  Research Council of Norway (link outdated)


EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Programme: FP7 – Environment and Climate (FP7 ENV)

Funding: EUR 335 million

Programme link:  Cordis

In Norwegian: Research Council of Norway (link outdated)


Programme: FP7 Transport (FP7 TRANSPORT)

Funding: EUR 300 million

In Norwegian:  Research Council of Norway (link outdated)


Programme: FP7 – Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology (FP7 – BIO (KBBE))

Call for proposal: FP7-KBBE-2013-7 – single stage

Funding: EUR 341 million

In Norwegian: Research Council of Norway (link outdated)

Programme link:  Cordis website

European research:  Research on Europa



Programme: Nordic eScience Globalisation Initiative (NeGi)

Area of research: Social science and humanities. Natural sciences, mathematics, technology.

Call for proposal: Nordic Centres of Excellence within eScience in Climate and Environmental Research - A Grand Challenge Research Programme within the Nordic eScience Globalisation Initiative

Funding: NOK 40 million

Programme link:  NordForsk (link outdated)

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