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Open data (API) via BarentsWatch

Most of the data content you find in our services is also available as open data through APIs (application programming interfaces) and downloads. This page is intended for those who want to use the data we share to develop new digital services.

Retrieve our data through API

A program on your end can automatically retrieve data from us. This is done by having a part of your software (a client) request our data through an API. At the bottom of the text, you will find technical details and links to documentation.

Stay updated and don’t hesitate to contact us

Many of the data we share are tailored to BarentsWatch’s services. If you have other needs or suggestions for changes, please contact us. Feel free to tell us who you are, what you want, and your purpose.

Changes to our APIs are continuously documented on For major changes, we send out information via email. You can subscribe to the email list on My Page.


This is a data stream of real-time vessel positions. The data is collected by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. BarentsWatch uses this API to display information about vessels in Wave Forecast, FishInfo, ArcticInfo, and Fishhealth.

Fishhealth API

This API contains data on fish farms, fish diseases, sea lice, escapes, vessel traffic at fish farms, and more. The data is collected from sources including the Directorate of Fisheries, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the Veterinary Institute, and the Norwegian Coastal Administration. There is historical data dating back to 2012. BarentsWatch uses this API in the Fishhealth service.

AquaInfo API

This API contains data on the status and development per municipality, number of fish farms, maximum allowed biomass, distribution of types of fish farming, area, funds from the aquaculture fund, employment, environmental surveys, and much more. For now, AquaInfo is included with the Fishhealth API. The data is collected from sources including the Directorate of Fisheries, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the Veterinary Institute, and Statistics Norway. There is historical data dating back to 2012. BarentsWatch uses this API in the AquaInfo service.

FishInfo API

The FiskInfo API contains information useful for professional fishermen, such as J-messages and other fishing regulations, navigation warnings, and seismic activity. Here you can get data in various chart plotter formats, and you can retrieve vessel information from the Ship Register using MMSI number lookup. The data sources are the Directorate of Fisheries, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, and the Norwegian Coastal Administration. Information about gear is available in the FishInfo Reporting API. BarentsWatch uses the FishInfo API and FishInfo Reporting API in FishInfo and Fisheries Activity.

FishInfo Reporting API

This API contains information about fixed gear and endpoints for reporting set, serviced, hauled, and lost gear to the Coast Guard. Reporting and vessel information are not open data, so please contact us if you are interested in using this. BarentsWatch uses the FishInfo API and FishInfo Reporting API in FishInfo, and the FishInfo Reporting API is also used by chart plotters.

Polar Lows API

The API provides information on polar lows reported by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. BarentsWatch uses this API in the Polar Lows service.

Saltstraumen API

The API provides forecasts for current speed and direction in Saltstraumen, with data sourced from NORCE. BarentsWatch uses this API in the Saltstraumen and Wave Forecast services.

Waveforecast API

This API provides forecasts for wave height and wind for predefined fairways and points along the coast and for custom routes in a larger area. It also has special warnings for Moskstraumen and Langesund, and crossing waves for some exposed areas. NORCE and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute are the data sources. BarentsWatch uses this API in the Wave Forecast service.

Map Services

Our WMS and WFS services are available via Most are available and documented on

Service Type Description Data Owner

Wave forecast - Isolines


Forecast on wave heights as curves


Wave forecast - Crossing waves


Forecast on crossing waves


Wave forecast – Point


Wave forecast for pre-defined points


Fishing activity (passive gear)


Positions for stationary gear per month

The Norwegian Coast Guard

Locality with disease


Fish farming localities that have the fish diseases ISA and PD

Norwegian Veterinary Institute

ISA control zones


Control area for the control of the fish disease ISA

Norwegian Food Safety Authority

ISA surveillance zones


Control area for monitoring the fish disease ISA

Norwegian Food Safety Authority

Ice edge (manual analysis)


Line showing actual ice edge

Norwegian Meteorological Institute


Data for download

In the Data service, many data sets can be downloaded in CSV, JSON and some chart plotter formats. Some of them can also be downloaded from FishInfo, Fish Health and Fisheries Activity.


BarentsWatch's open data is available under the license agreement NLOD - "Norwegian license for public data". See terms of use.

Info for Developers

BarentsWatch's APIs are REST or REST-ish API. They use JSON via HTTPS. Generally, we use GET to retrieve, POST to add, PUT to update and DELETE to remove objects.

Authentication is required, and the API supports OpenID Connect. Many who want to test retrieving our data find authentication challenging. Therefore, we ask you to read more about how to do it here: Application registration and authentication.

Technical documentation

You can find more API documentation at and there you will find links to the OpenAPI documentation for all the APIs.

BarentsWatch does user-driven, agile development. In order for our services to be useful and user friendly, we would like feedback from you as a user. It can be in the form of complaints or compliments, questions, ideas, and other issues of relevance. We greatly appreciate your help.