Front page Articles


Safer seaborne voyages in the Arctic

ArcticInfo provides important information on sailing conditions in the Arctic, supporting decisions for safer navigation in Arctic waters.

Safer shipping in the High North offers mariners a variety of services that are important for safe navigation, accessibility and the environment in the Arctic.

The Fishhealth service updated

A better overview of the areas and locations that are of interest to you. In addition, users can see all types of ships visiting facilities.
ArcticInfo is especially aimed at fishing boats, cruise traffic and research and expedition vessels, which dominate traffic in Arctic areas. Photo: The Coast Guard.

Increasing safe navigation in the Arctic

The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) has established a new digital information service for vessel traffic in Arctic areas.

The Arctic service is replaced

The Arctic service is now closed down and replaced by a similar service; ArcticInfo.
The king crab has now also become a tourist attraction.

Invasive species

Once a foreign species establishes itself in Norwegian waters, it is virtually impossible to get rid of again.

The service Shared Resource Information Repository

All rescue and emergency workers must have the resource information they need through a secure system.

Open data (API) via BarentsWatch

Most of the data content you find in our services is also available as open data through APIs (application programming interfaces) and downloads. This page is intended for those who want to use the data we share to develop new digital services.

Terms of Use of the data from BarentsWatch

The data accessible through and our services are as a main rule licensed by NLOD license. Please see our guidelines for use of the data.
Archive photo: Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Fish diseases PD and ISA

Infectious viral illnesses cause substantial losses for Norway’s aquaculture sector in addition to the damage inflicted by salmon lice.
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